Bookmas day 5: Author recommendations

I’m a faithful reader, I mean, when I really really like an author I try to read and buy everything they’ve ever written. With time, I became a little bit more of an adventurer in my reads, I try to read a lot of things outside my “safe” zone, but there are authors that have remained. So here are three of them for you:

  1. José Saramago

José Saramago, for those of you who aren’t portuguese, is one of the major names in Portuguese literary history. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1998 and is books are mandatory reads in a lot of classes.

His writing is divine in its uniqueness. He had such a gift in being able to translate in words, in simple, non flowery writing, the most amazing episodes. I’ve read quite a lot of books by him, but there are still some to go.

My favorite book by him: Blindness

My (probable) next read: The History of the Siege of Lisbon

2. Julliet Marillier

In a totally diffrent vibe, Marillier trapped me by the enchantment she can put into her stories. I started reading her fantasy books when I was about 15 and never stopped since. She has a power to give her stories a fairytale-like quality without them feeling unrealistic, despite being Fantasy.

For those who enjoy classical fantasy novels (think Marion Zimmer Bradley), Juliet Marillier is definitely worth checking out.

My favorite book(s) by her: The Sevenwaters series

My next read: Dreamer’s Pool

3. Ian McEwan

This one was a later find in my life. I’ve started reading him after my friend’s father recommended him to me, and it’s been a great ride so far. His books are quite diverse but all of them retain a strange quality of darkness, is like he can really show how all of us humans have some rotten parts in us. They’re a great exploration of human relationships, sometimes ironic and a lot of times quite fun to read.

My favorite book: On Chesil Beach

My next read: Atonement

Published by

Bookworm Inês

Hi! I'm a medical doctor (this still sounds weird) and a proud Slytherin with a lifelong love for books and stories.

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